Raynalde, Thomas| Rösslin, Eucharius
The birth of mankinde, otherwise named The womans booke. Set foorth in English by Thomas Raynalde phisition, and by him corrected, and augmented. Whose contents ye´e may reade in the table following: but most plainely in the prologue.
Imprinted at London : [By George Eld?] for Thomas Adams. Cum priuilegio, [1604]
Hobby, Elaine., | Rösslin, Eucharius| Raynalde, Thomas
The birth of mankind : otherwise named, The woman's book newly set forth, corrected, and augmented. Whose contents ye may read in the table of the book, and most plainly in the prologue / by Thomas Raynalde ; edited by Elaine Hobby.
Farnham : Ashgate, 2009.